WhiteICE Brainwave Alteration Software

Unlock the potential of your mind with WhiteICE, a scientific brainwave manipulation software designed to enhance cognitive performance through personalized audio stimuli.

Requirements: EEG device (e.g., BrainAccess HALO, Interaxon Muse 2) and a fast multicore CPU (e.g., 16+ hardware threads).

Transform your cognitive potential with the power of safe, effective, and personalized brainwave stimulation—WhiteICE.

Software calculates a (pessimistic) hard performance number that is compared to a random stimulation performance (effects are small but measurable, like 0.3% after two hours but sometimes software does not work (negative results)). Software is a wellness technology that helps with focus and relaxation through sound stimulation. (Not a medical device requiring approval.)

Contact us for details: wintermute@whiteclinic.net. Read documentation PDF and a tool DOCUMENTATION.txt for support. This is BETA software so there are bugs. There is also IRC-channel #whiteclinic at Libera.chat.

You need to typically run software for 1-8 hours with fast CPU to have some results (100-1000 iterations).

Example video showing how to use the WhiteICE software:

Downloads (free to use, closed source)

It is recommended to update to version 1.15b which fixes major bugs. If you write a debug log, then you can use 'tail -f whiteice-engine.log | grep optimizer' to filter important optimization messages from the log (positive q-value means reinforcement learning should be able to improve EEG-values).[NOTE: updated MindMonitor OSC (Interaxon Muse) support is coded blindly without working device because my old muse broke down so there may be bugs in Interaxon Muse support, only BrainAccess HALO is actively tested]

Hosaka is VERY SLOW so you should train the model for something like 20 hours (CPU with 16 threads) or more before recurrent models MAYBE do something useful.

Why not to use this software.